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Callidora | 18.03.2013 в 23:18

Callidora Longbottom (née Black) (b. 1915) was a pure-blood witch, the eldest daughter of Arcturus Black II and Lysandra Yaxley and sister of Charis and Cedrella. She married Harfang Longbottom, and the couple had two children, a son and a a daughter[2]. She is related to the Crouch and Weasley families through her sisters, and may be related to Alice and Frank Longbottom and their son Neville.Contents [show] EtymologyEditCallidora means "gift of beauty" in Greek.[3] It is also the name of a species of sedge moths.Behind the scenesEditCallidora’s sister Cedrella was disowned by their family for marrying Septimus Weasley, a "blood traitor". Given that Callidora was not burned off the Black family tree tapestry for her marriage, this suggests that the Longbottoms are considered to be a more "respectable" pure-blood family than Weasleys.Based on a statement by Horace Slughorn, Callidora may have been a member of the Slytherin House. At least one member of the Longbottom family, however, was in Gryffindor. Slughorn also may not have been Potions master when she attended Hogwarts (c. 1926-1933).Since Callidora and Cassiopeia were born on the same year, it is most likely that they were classmates at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Callidora's and Elladora’s pictures on the family tree in the film are the same.
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